Personality Match

About Personality Match

About Personality Match

We as individuals are different from each other because of the Physical features and also Personality attributes.
We can describe our personality with the help of these attributes or traits which enables others understand us
Similarily, we think of others in terms of some physical and personality factors.

When we dream about our Star partner, we certainly conceptualize in terms of physical as well as Personality Traits. For example,my partner should be tall,
slim and good complexioN (The Physical Traits).
Simultaneously, we might think that he/she should be tolerant decisive, hard working (Personality Traits).

If we have an idea of a person's Personality traits and also know his/her expectations about their Star Partner's
traits then it would be easy to make appropriateselections before approaching the person.

For these reasons has introduced the listing of personality traits.
The members can choose Personality traits from the given list which according to them would describe their own Personality.
They can also select the expected Traits in their Star Partner from the List.

Personality Match Feature

The Personality match is an additional feature on
It is a feature provided to all registered members to furnish their details in terms of Personality Traits.
In addition, the members can also list the expected personality traits in their Star Partner.
A list of Personality factors is available on the site of

Selection of Traits from the List of Personality Traits

The members will have to select the traits from the list of 68 traits.
They can select a minimum of 25 traits and above which describe their personality in a most explicit manner.
They can also select minimum of 25 or more traits which they expect in their Star Mate.

It is advisable to be practical in selecting from the list to find a good and compatible match. wishes you Good Luck in searching the most compatible Star Mate by using its Personality traits Listing Feature!.